The Remake Revolution

Making things has always been second nature to me. It’s why I excelled in the arts and chose fashion and design as my major in college. I love taking an idea and bringing it to life. Long before Rema De, I had a handmade scarf business where I bought remnant textiles and turned them into scarves (shoutout to RM Designs and ByNoreen). Back then, I didn’t even think about the fact that I was repurposing materials. I never questioned where all the excess fabric and unused items went.

Years spent working in the fashion industry and traveling abroad opened my eyes. I learned that most of our discarded clothing and textiles are sent to other countries under the label of “donations.” But the truth is, many of these places don’t want or need them, and the excess ends up in landfills or second-hand websites. It was a stark realization about the way we consume, especially in the U.S., where we’re constantly told we need the latest seasonal pattern, the newest trendy color, or that perfect lip gloss that will somehow change our lives.

The pandemic was a catalyst for my awakening. It forced me to slow down and examine my purchasing habits, pushing me to think about how I could do more with less. I won’t pretend I don’t love “stuff”.. Girl I do! I love clothes, textiles, plants, and anything that makes my home feel cozy and personal. But my weekly trips to TJ Maxx weren’t fulfilling me anymore. Instead, I started looking inward, realizing how much I already had that could be transformed into the very things I was mindlessly buying.

This shift led me to embrace a different way of consuming. I stopped shopping as much, downsized, and became more intentional about what I brought into my life. I leaned into second-hand shopping and started seeing the potential in old, vintage, and remnant materials. This shift wasn’t just about sustainability… it was a personal revolution, a realization that I could create beautiful things out of what already existed.

Home and nature are my safe spaces, where I feel most grounded. It was only natural that I began making ‘plant jackets’- a simple, creative way to add warmth and personality to my plants. Plants remind me to slow down, be present, and practice patience. They embody transformation, growth, and renewal, much like the philosophy behind Rema De.

I’ve come to realize that the real revolution starts within- how we choose to consume, what we choose to value. There’s so much in the world that’s out of our control, but what we bring into our lives is something we can shape. Through Rema De, I’m excited to create pieces that not only add a unique touch to your space but also serve as reminders: You are one of a kind. Transformation is always possible. And in a world that constantly tells you to blend in, you should always stay true to yourself.

To Growth, Transformation & Art-filled Living,